About us

DLAW | one step forward

Dlaw is a law firm based in Belgium and operating in several areas of EU law and regulatory affairs with special emphasis on international trade, nutrition and agriculture.

As host of some of the main EU Institutions and due also to its geographical location, Brussels holds an unmatched position at the core of the decision-making process. Therefore, small and medium enterprises as well as global corporations have an established presence in town to keep a close eye at the institutional work. Our office operates at a few steps from the European Commission and for this reason our clients take advantage of a privileged venue in their effort of having an impact in the European market.

We advise private undertakings and associations in substantive and procedural EU law, compliance and market access, consumers protection, intellectual property, labelling and advertising and customs rules.

Furthermore, through an active network of associates and experts we provide integrated solutions to high technical issues involving scientific analysis.

Dlaw also provides technical assistance to public entities and governments on issues related to international trade, market integration and food safety bringing to the table more than ten years of experience in regulated markets and multilateral trade.

Having participated to several trade related technical assistance initiatives, Dlaw offers a wide expertise in several geographic areas such as the EU, the South East Asian Nations and Latin America.

“The Good Of The People Is The Greatest Law.”

~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

Let our experience be your guide

Get in touch to organise your first consultation!

Call us via Skype: Dlaw.eu
Send us an Email: info@dlaw.eu